
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Pencil Thanksgiving

Sitting here working from home on my todo list with a pile of freshly sharpened pencils beside me got me thinking about a major todo that I simply haven't todone. Writing for this blog.

So in the spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday that is upon us, thought I'd post a list of pencil related things I am thankful for:

A - A. W. Faber
B - Bloggers (like Andy Welfle)
C - California Republic
D - Dixon Ticonderoga's
E - Eberhard Faber - Blackwing 602 (because they are doing better than my 401k)
F - Faber Castell 9000
G - Graphite
H - Holding a freshly sharpened pencil
I - Incense Cedar
J - J. S. Staedtler
K - Kid's Pencils (like the Spangle in front of me)
L - Lyra Pencil Company
M - Mephisto Writing by KOH-I-NOOR
N - New Pencil Shavings, love em
O - O'Bon Pencils - cause the planet matters
P - Palomino HB (Blue paint)
Q - Quality
R - Rubber, cause we all make mistakes that we wish we could erase
S - Steve Jobs - lets face it, love him or hate him he changed the world, I am writing this post on an Apple product, Steve the world misses you already! (I know kind of a stretch pencil wise.)
T - Tombow - a great Japanese pencil company - my favorite is the MONO HB and 2B
U - United States Pencil Manufacturers
V - Vintage pencils on eBay
W - World Wide Internet, cause where else can the pencil obsessed gather?
X- Xerox, what is this, Scrabble?
Y - You, if you are reading this post it means I am not alone in my pencil obsession.
Z - Zebra Mechanical pencils

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