
Tuesday, January 24, 2017

It has been far too long since I posted here - I am not dead yet!

I have been working in a job that has allowed little time for blogging (not to mention anything else) but now I have a new position that leaves a little better work/life balance. I'll be posting some backlogged reviews soon. I have a number of new pencil related stuff to get out here and such. Anyhow, if you have been to my blog lately and wondered whether I fell off the face of the earth. Nope I am here. Drop me a note. Say hi.


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  2. I found this blog during reading a book called 'the ways to sharpen a pencil' (i am not sure of the title because its in korean) but you seem to have an interesting blog and im very interested on reading it. Thankyou for your posts

  3. I love pencils too and will read your previous posts.

  4. Would enjoy seeing you reactivate this..:)
